Sunday, September 12, 2010

settled in our 'home'

So we still don't have internet at the house, although a great friend tried to help us out - and that would have been free. Darn. So we are still making daily treks to MacDough. And the internet connection here is even slow and sketchy. Arg. Wouldn't be a HUGE deal, except this is our only way for people from the States to get ahold of us. Ah well.

Otherwise, things are going great. I finally got the laundry caught up and the few things bought to get us settled into our apartment.

This morning, we didn't minister anywhere so we attended church here in Istres. (Our apartment is above the sanctuary :} ) A kind lady who speaks a little English sat behind us and gave us the 'main idea' of what was going on. :)

This afternoon, some new friends drove us over to the Mediterranean Sea and the kids got to swim. A great time relaxing on the beach! We are blessed!

Besides the internet, we are still working on renting a car for the next few days and then possibly purchasing one for the rest of our trip. To either sell at the end or leave here with a family so that we could use it again when we return... whenever that would be.

The kids will have a full week of school mixed in with sightseeing around the area (trusting we get a car!) and then we take the train back to Valence to minister at the Master's Net conference next weekend.

The kids seem to be doing better now that we have a 'home' to call our 'own'. They miss everyone at home but it's nice to have a place to settle. So settled we are, doing life in France. Some things are much the same as America - others very different!

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