Sunday, August 29, 2010

countdown to a new stretch of road on my journey

I'm leary of clicking that "create post" button. It's been a LONG time since I blogged and I'm hesitant about starting another one now. But here I go....

In just over 60 hours, my family and I will be boarding a plane to Paris, France. That's exciting. We will be staying for 3 months. That's a little scary. But very exciting at the same time! We know the Lord has divinely set up this season in our lives and we're diving in.

We have a heart for the French, a heart for Europe. And we know God's heart and love are much bigger than ours could ever be. We are being sent on a mission to love and to sow seeds of revival in Europe. I'll be blogging about that journey over the next few months.

Join me on our journey!